This is an overview of the Sailing season 2023-24 as published by BUCS & BUSA. It lists the BUCS Championships, for which individual Championship pages may be found on the Championship dropdown menu on the BUSA website, together with relevant RYA events (all events may be found on the BUSA Calendar). It also gives general guidance across all BUCS events in 2022-23, including an explanation of the BUCSPlay registration arrangements
Information Sources & Communication Lines
If you require further information throughout the year you must first contact your Athletic Union/Sports Office.
The BUCS Essentials is available on the BUCS website on the second working day of each week and will be sent to all BUCS members. The Essentials contains all the important information regarding BUCS Events and should be used in conjunction with the Sports Specific Homepages.
The BUCS Sailing webpage will also provide you further information and news.
Calendar of Events-please click onto the link below for dates. New dates to be published
BUSA :: BUCS Team Racing Championships 2024
BUSA :: BUCS Match Racing Championships 2024
BUSA :: BUCS Yachting Championships 2024
BUSA :: BUCS Fleet Racing Championships 2023
Rules & Regulations
When participating in BUCS Competitions you must ensure you are aware of the Rules and Regulations to which you are competing. You should be aware of the following regulations:
BUCS General Regulations – relating to all sports.
BUCS Sports Specific Regulations – relating to Sailing only.
NGB’s laws of the Sport – you must be aware of the NGB laws of the Sport, this includes the provisions of the Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions. Please contact the RYA for more information.
British Universities Sailing Association (BUSA)
This website is the key place where BUSA publishes information about the major university championships, as well as lots of other events aimed at university students. The BUSA calendar of all BUSA events and University hosted events are published on the BUSA website. This is also where you can find contact information for all university clubs and the BUSA Committee. There is further information under the menu drop-downs.
To add your university’s information, please send BUSA details about your sailing club and what will interest potential recruits, what events you run and who the main contacts are at the club etc. This will be a great tool to help encourage new sailors to your club and to promote your events and activities. Send to [email protected]
BUSA encourage all university sailing clubs to submit event reports throughout the year, which can be published onto the BUSA website. It is hoped that this is done within 7 days of the event. Please send your event report to [email protected]
Affiliation & Insurance Information
All Universities participating in BUSA/BUCS events are required to be members of BUSA. The Annual subscription for competitive membership is £230 per university. SUBCRIPTIONS ARE DUE BY THE 1ST NOVEMBER 2023. If you have not received your invoice by the 1st October, please request it via email to [email protected]
It is the responsibility of either the individual or institution to ensure that all entrants have appropriate insurance in order to compete. BUSA and BUCS DO NOT insure any competitor for any of its events. Please let BUSA know if you require insurance guidance.
Championships Events
Teams entering a BUCS event must do so via BUCSPlay. Places will not be accepted, or reserved, without entering correctly. Individuals sign themselves up to the event via the BUCSPlay, the IA Admins at your University are then required to approve the entry following individual sign up. There are thus two entry deadlines; individual sign up deadline (Tuesdays), followed by IA Admins approval deadline (Thursdays).
Teams must ensure their university have paid their BUSA subscription before registration of any Championship.
Teams should refer to the Notice of Race and Notices published on the BUSA website prior to each event – see Championships drop-down.
Registering Competitors and Reserves on BUCSPlay
NB detailed guidance is given in each Championship Entry Information
BUSA will not be seeking any medical declaration this year. It is, of course, the responsibility of the competitor to ensure that they are fit to compete. Any competitor who has a particular issue about which they wish to notify the Event Director/Organiser should ask to do so at Registration on arrival at that event
For the Fleet Racing Championships, the names etc. for each helm (and crew) will also be entered on the BUCSPlay entry section, as in previous years.
For the Team Racing Championship there will be the usual team entry sections on BUCSPlay for the Scottish and for the England & Wales Qualifiers. This will only require details about the team name etc. and its Captain at this stage, but not the individual sailors. Captains will be required to confirm their actual teams for the first Scottish League and for the English & Welsh Qualifiers not later than 10 days prior to the event with the BUSA Secretary.
For the Match Racing and Yachting Championships, the helm and team captain will be entered on the BUCSPlay team entry, but the Captain will be required to notify the BUSA Secretary at no later than 10 days prior to the event who will be the crew members and their respective roles in the boat.
Results from BUCS Sailing Championships will be posted on the relevant BUSA Championship page, circulated within the BUCS Essentials and posted on the BUCS Sailing page.
Your performances in BUCS Competitions will contribute to your institution’s Points tally in the BUCS Overall Championships. You can view the Overall Table throughout the year at
The way in which these points are allocated can be viewed on the BUCS website.